Auditmetrics® - AI Accounting    Microsoft® Certified Software
Accountant and Statistician Partnership: Auditmetrics has a history combining the disciplines of accounting and statistics especially in the areas of health benefits and public health. For more details of that history use the Partnership Link below. Both professions are in an economy that is on a high-tech commercial revolution where huge business entities marshal vast sophisticated programming to search for potential opportunities. Auditmetrics goal is to prepare smaller enterprises and students by providing AI assisted software in conjunction with books that provide intellectual support. AI Assistance means the ultimate decision maker is the business manager.    

Special Reduced Price: Book offer from Springer Publishing:
"AI Assisted Business Analytics- Techniques for Reshaping Competitiveness"

           Link to Springer offer on Amazon

        Video Overview of Auditmetrics System: Free Small Business/Learning V6.5 Download*
           From Microsoft Store:
HyperLink HyperLink
      Special 50% Price Reduction
      for Microsoft's  Professional AI Version:
 Self-Learning PowerPoint Tutorial with Test Data
    and Springer Book Page Links:
HyperLink HyperLink
ProfessionalVersion includes Eleanor Winslow's
Forecasting Revenue and Expenses.

      Paperbound & Kindle Book Description

* Windows 10 & 11  Operating System Required
"IRS Specifications for Research Tax Credits:"

       Link to IRS Specifications

What is Unique About Auditmetrics as Compared to Other Financial Software:

  • Accountant/Statistician Partnership Link

  • Auditmetrics focuses on statistical analytics, which is beneficial for organizations looking for rigorous and mathematically sound audit processes and data mining.

  • The AI feature in Auditmetrics guides users through statistical audits, forecasting and market research, which can be particularly helpful for those without extensive statistical knowledge

  • Data input flexibility in that it accepts data from various accounting management systems like QuickBooks, which enhances its versatility for different business sizes and types.

  • Auditmetrics provides educational materials, such as student tutorial PowerPoint slides.

  • In addition to following AICPA and IRS statistical audit standards, it has also passed Microsoft software certification standards.

  • Health benefit financial administration augmented with studies involving health outcomes.

Auditmerics has aways been very versitile in its service to its clients: We do our best to keep up with new advancements such as the increasing use of data and statistical analytics in enhancing profit and loss performance. A recent article by Gary Schoeniger in Forbes Small Business Newsletter: "Five Reasons Small Businesses Fail, And How To Avoid Them". One recommendation is


Schoeniger states his premise in admittedly controversial terms to emphasize that the formal business plan process can rely too heavily on logic and easily create a false sense of confidence. Advancements in AI and statistical analytics allows for greater data driven testing of ideas. The key is to obtain unbiased assessments of proposed activity.

           Forbes Newsletter Full Article

Auditmetrics Healthcare and Public Health Background:    Auditmetrics Home Page